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1 Items
04-02-2012 by Chapo
Hits: 12
7 872 KB
Click on "Content" above to see images
!spa_water01b !toxicgrn !water_slower +0button1 +0button4 +0c1a4_swtch5 +0drkmtl_scrn +0~cretestch01a +0~drkmtls3 +0~fifts_lght5 +0~light3a +0~light6a +0~metalstch2 +0~tnnl_lgt3 +a~tnnl_lgt3 -0hfloor01 -0rockCobbleST 0ikrocka 1 BEVEL BR_elev_floor CLIP CaseEnd CaseSide CaseTop Core_Urban_117 CrateSide01 CrateSide03 EXIT1 NULL ORIGIN SKIP Wood01 ZMdno ZMdoski ZMkamen ZMtravka Zmbox aaa_hurt aaatrigger asphalt01 ba_flowers01 bark barrel4 barrel_bio01 barrel_bio02 barrel_bio03 barrel_exp01 barrel_exp02 barreltop bath-sn03a bcontainer1 bcontainer2 bcontainer3 bcrate02 bcrate03 bcrate04 bcrate09a bcrate09b bigCrateTop black botton02 c1a0_labglu c1a0b_dr3a c1a1_c1b c1a3secdr02 c1a3wall04 c1a3wall05 c1a4_pow c1a4_silo1 c1a4_silo2b c1a4b_w2 c2a3_gar3 c2a3turbine4 c3a1_crate1 c3a1_crate2 c3a1_crate3 c3a1_w1 c_bldg2_1 c_bldg2_2 c_bldg2_brck c_bldg3_1 c_bldg3_2 c_bldg4_1 c_bldg4_2 c_rockwall c_sidewlk1 c_stone1 c_stone1_wndow cardbox1 cardbox2 cardbox3 cardbox4 cardboxbot1 cardboxtop1 cardboxtop2 chestDrawers clay_tiles_XL_1 clock1 cm_903 cm_box_d02 con1_bord03 cr_miscwood2b crateBox crete3_ceil03 crete3_wall01 cretecrumble cstrike_fe2sqrs cugroundi cupicta cupictc cuwoodm cxbrickj cxcrptb cxdrd cxmarblee cxpntga cxrockf cxstairse cxwllbooksa cxwllepnl cxwllepnlend cxwlletrim cxwoodd cxwoodi cxwoodj cxwoodk cxwoodl cxwoodm dirt2 djCrateSd1 djCrateTop dmc_wood2 doors draw drkwl drkwl2 drkwl2_b duCrtLrgSd duCrtLrgTp duct_flr01 duct_flr01a duct_flr02 duct_vnt duct_wall01 duct_wall02 duct_wall04 eastbush1 eastcarpet2b eastcratelgsd fifties_dr1 fifties_dr1b fifties_dr1c fifties_dr1k fifties_dr2 fifties_dr4b fifties_dr4d fifties_dsk1 fifties_dsk2 fifties_dsk3 fifties_dsk4 fifties_dsk5b fifties_dsk5d fifties_dsk5dx fifties_dsk5e floor03 floor24 floor31 framed01sn framed02sn framed03sn freezer_bx5 freezer_bx7 freezer_bx8 freezer_bx9 generic015 generic015n generic034 generic034a generic039 generic105c generic106 generic106a generic106b generic76 generic89b glass_bright glass_med hay1 hint i_roof_tile1 ikgrndj ikgrndrw ikmetla in_door2 in_door4 in_door5 in_floor1 in_floor2 in_floor3 infinity ital_wall5 jbRockA lab1_brd3c loc m_ceiling4 m_wood1 matt_isrckwal matt_urbsewer metal_wall05b mirockwall misc_sodamach1 misc_wpn_crate misc_wpn_crate2 misc_wpn_crate3 mitilefloor01 miwoodm nmcf_fence_b nmcf_trim1 nmcf_wall1 nupp nwbarrel oldDoor oldWood out_box2 out_dmp2b out_dmp2c out_dmp3c out_dmp4a out_dmp4b out_dmp4c out_galv1 out_grnd2 out_ground5 out_snbag out_w6b out_w6d painting11 painting3 painting8 palmbark1 pfab_bks1b pfab_trsh1a pi_barrel pi_barrelt pi_cratebigt pi_crateret pi_cratesmt pi_floorwd1 pi_floorwd3 pi_rug6 pileOlemons pileOtomatoes po_glassdirty po_lightsqrred3 po_mtlltnrst poster10 poster9 rope sign79 silo2_cor sky_tex smoe_brick smoe_cliff smoe_cliff2 smoe_doors smoe_drt_wall1 smoe_lthr_cch4 smoe_rock2 smoe_rug4 smoe_sandbag spanish_roof1_1 st_carpet02 tk_HerekeRug tk_KayseriRug tk_barrel2 tk_barrel20001 tk_barreltop tk_doorpanel tk_doorreflect tk_doubledoor2 tk_embers tk_fabric tk_kazakRug tk_mod-wood tk_mod-wooddrk tk_pooltile tk_redshutter tk_wicker2tp tk_wicker3tp tk_wickeropn2 tk_wickeropn3 tnnl_lgtbrd2 vol-trunk wBarrelSide wBarrelTop wall01 war_sand1 wd_sr_v1 wdnDrawers welcome white wood wood07 wood1 wood15 zmradio {ba_tree09 {bigblood2 {blue {cugzboa {curaila {cxcrtnf {cxgate {cxivy {cxivyb {derevja {dmcgrassb {duct_vnt {eastwndwn2 {fence3 {fence_barb7 {forest1 {forest3 {forest4 {gate {gatewood {gratestep2 {hangingIvy2 {hedge4 {ifties_dr5a {ikfenceb {ladder2 {nmww_treeline1 {out_net1 {po_laddrust {razor2 {spa_leaf01a {spa_parapet03 {woodrail ~SPOTRED ~SPOTYELLOW ~light3b ~light3c ~spotblue ~spotgreen
12-14-2010 by Chapo
Hits: 41
Slots: 96
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Community 17b
A bit late but yes, download works again as intended. Thank you Arkshine!
11-23-2024 at 4:09 PM
Hi there! smiley
12-01-2024 at 4:42 PM
Подскажите код от дверей, пожалуйста
12-08-2024 at 10:12 PM
pro100klaus: 351759
12-10-2024 at 9:55 AM
Спасибо большое
12-11-2024 at 8:20 PM
12-22-2024 at 4:38 AM
Merry Christmas everybody!
12-24-2024 at 12:33 PM
MOerry Christmas all!!!smiley
12-24-2024 at 6:48 PM
I've submitted a map de_nuke2 totally unrelated to the existing one here. Can you please approve of it? :D
12-24-2024 at 10:51 PM
12-25-2024 at 6:20 AM
smiley Merry Christmas!
12-26-2024 at 12:55 AM
Help please smiley
12-26-2024 at 7:36 AM
Re de_nuke2, as there is already a de_nuke2 the 2024 map will need another name or the original will be erased.
12-26-2024 at 12:34 PM
Nice map Stop, and good video smiley, I saw it over at reddit.
12-26-2024 at 12:39 PM
okay, I see this cs 1.6 map with only a screenshot, looks like it could be removed from my pov, it doesn't even have an author.


but do as you think it's fair smiley
12-26-2024 at 1:50 PM
I dont think 17b allows two BSPs with the same filename, any other admins know how to keep to maps with same name? smiley
12-26-2024 at 5:36 PM
I've seen it has added my files to that existing map, since it hasn't got any author, can you put it on my behalf and I'll switch everything right? No rush, just saying :D
12-26-2024 at 8:19 PM
why does it matter if the author isn't mentioned? who tf cares who the author is, 99x of maps here would get removed by that metric of "lacking an author", the void made them I guess
12-28-2024 at 8:09 PM
also most maps also have only one screenshot, so another reason to remove them as being unworthy I guess
12-28-2024 at 8:11 PM
dude couldn't just concede and rename his map de_nuke3, that would have been asking too much
12-28-2024 at 8:17 PM
12-31-2024 at 8:12 AM
12-31-2024 at 11:29 AM
Happy New Year smiley
12-31-2024 at 11:29 AM
hny! FIXXOR I just mentioned before if they thought this was fair, if not just leave it as it is... I figured since it looks low effort, no author and not very popular mine could replace it, cheers! I also thought there could be many versions of de_nuke2 here without having to remove one in favour of the other
01-02-2025 at 9:52 AM
ok, I just go by the rule if a map with the name already exists it's better to rename to prevent mismatches and take the legacy of the scene into account
01-03-2025 at 12:09 AM
seems the certificate expired for the site, my heart skipped a beat there thinking that's it, but it's still up
02-07-2025 at 5:54 PM
hey, wanted to thank everybody here for their support while I was creating maps. Today I released my last map, I hope you enjoy it and maybe it will show up on the front page eventually haha: (Link)
02-15-2025 at 2:16 PM
@sToP! yo cheers
02-16-2025 at 6:41 AM
@stop, good luck in your future projects smiley
02-17-2025 at 10:38 AM
sToP your last map looks good.Make zm version...
03-01-2025 at 6:47 PM
void Hlbox17b Download - Virus?
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void Need .rmf File ♡ De_dust2_2020 .bsp
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void Searching For Old Css Map
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void Waypoints For Dod_kort_b4
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void Can't Update A Map
  11-25-2024 at 1:41 AM by FIXXOR
void I Can't Download Any Maps
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void Hlbox17b Source Code
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void Modifying Map - How Difficult
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void Resgen, Pack, Unpack: Allinone
  09-27-2024 at 10:45 PM by Safety1st

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